The Secret Lives of CSMs

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Here’s what’s inside:

How do Customer Success Managers really feel about money, stress, work, and their bosses? In this report, you’ll learn…

  • How fulfilled CSMs are by their work and what CS leaders can do to create long-term job satisfaction for their teams
  • The impact that economic downturns and lofty quotas are having on CSMs’ mental and physical health
  • The parts of the job that CSMs most want to automate and what they wish they could spend more time on
  • Why CSMs have a hard time detaching from work — even when they’re on vacation
  • What percentage of CSMs are actively looking for new jobs right now
About ‘The Secret Lives of CSMs’

Even in normal times, Customer Success is a tough racket. And these are far from normal times.

Recently, the B2B business world has faced economic turmoil following a brief pandemic-induced boom. Acquiring new customers is now an uphill battle, which makes Customer Success Managers — who are responsible for preventing churn and maximizing the value of existing accounts — even more mission-critical.

In August and September 2023, Vitally surveyed 679 B2B Customer Success Managers in a variety of industries to hear their candid opinions on the topics that all CSMs are thinking about right now, but only discuss behind closed doors.

Salaries. Burnout. Secret job hunts. The love/hate relationship with the work itself. We wanted to know how CSMs live, how they work, and what keeps them up at night.

We also asked our survey respondents to anonymously answer two open-ended questions: “What’s the one thing that would most improve your job satisfaction?” and “What do you wish you could tell your boss, but can’t?” (You’ll see some of the answers scattered throughout the report.)

“The Secret Lives of CSMs” explores the unvoiced concerns and day-to-day experiences of today’s Customer Success Managers with no sugar-coating whatsoever. Through original research and first-hand quotes, we aimed to present an in-depth understanding of the challenges, triumphs, and internal dialogues of B2B CSMs from their point of view.

Download our report by filling out the form on this page, and please email us at if you have any questions about this research report or any of our past reports.

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