The Customer Success Newsletter is Now a Part of Vitally

The rumors are true—we’re beyond excited to share that is now part of Vitally. In just a minute we’ll get into why we’re taking on, and our vision for the newsletter moving forward, but first, a word from the founder (and now editor) of—

“... I've decided to hand off The Customer Success Newsletter. It's been a project close to my heart for a long time. I wanted to make sure I found the right partner to continue to provide value to you all.I'm excited with Vitally's vision of what comes next.

I'll still be involved in an editorial capacity with my thoughts on the different themes in each issue (can't get rid of me that easily).

I wanted to say thank you to everyone who's subscribed and I look forward to continuing to learn more about delivering great Customer Success!”

— Alex Bakula-Davis.

So, there you have it. Right from the horse’s mouth. Without further ado, let’s talk about what you can expect as a subscriber moving forward.

Why? A Shared Mission

As with every past issue, the objective is (and has been) to highlight the very best Customer Success content in the industry. The mission of this newsletter is to improve your customer success skill set and knowledge with actionable best practices, industry trends, and peer-to-peer advice. We’re happy to share that that mission isn’t going anywhere!

Why Customer Success pros subscribe (and you should too)

Business leaders, CS leaders, and CS practitioners read TheCustomerSuccessNewsletter to connect with peers, level up in their careers, and stay one step ahead of the curve in Customer Success.

What You Should (and Should Not) Expect

Expect a new look

Don’t be afraid of change! Over the next few months, expect a visual refresh and backend changes to your favorite Customer Success newsletter. Why? Because we want to create the best UI—including, but not limited to, theme, email and web views—possible for our readers.

Don’t expect all Vitally, all the time

Vitally content has been promoted in TheCustomerSuccessNewsletter before, and it will be again. But rest assured that TheCustomerSuccessNewsletter will not be turning into a promotional billboard for Vitally. 

Expect bi-weekly updates

We’re going to play around with the cadence of sends. We’ll start with bi-weekly sends, but this is subject to change. Tweet at us (@CS_Newsletter) and let us know how often you’d like to hear from us! 

Don’t expect the same content from TheCustomerSuccessNewsletter & Vitally

It's important to us that Vitally Marketing and CustomerSuccessNewsletter subscribers are treated as two separate audiences, and we've done our due diligence to make sure that's the case. That said, if you want great content about how leading Customer Success teams are pushing boundaries using technology & data, consider opt-ing in to stay up-to-date with the latest and greatest from Vitally. 

Expect a good theme

Who doesn’t love a theme?! Moving forward, each newsletter will feature articles around a central theme, like handoffs, for example. To that end, follow us on Twitter, @CS_Newsletter, where we’ll keep you up to date with all the latest and greatest customer success articles on the web. 

Don’t expect to not hear from Vitally’s competitors 

Let the record show we believe in free speech!!! If an article from one of our competitors will improve your Customer Success skill set and knowledge in an actionable way, you’ll still find it in this newsletter.

Expect even more value as a subscriber

With even more resources i.e. Vitally's editorial team, TheCustomerSuccessNewsletter subscribers and social followers can expect even more original and user-generated content. Think letters from the OG editor, the best of our social channels, user highlights, expanded opportunities to connect and network with peers, more subscription options, and beyond.

So, what are you waiting for? Subscribe to TheCustomerSuccessNewsletter (and follow us on Twitter @CS_Newsletter) today!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, email Hally at

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