How to Make Client Impact a Team Sport

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Good news! Building unmatched client impact doesn't rest solely on a single CSM’s shoulders. Rather, the effort should extend across departments and showcase the transformative power of teamwork.

In the latest episode of Success/ful: Winning Ideas From the World of CS and Beyond, Greg Collins, VP of Revenue at Boldr, discusses how to rally different departments around the customer experience to turbocharge client impact (even in the realm of remote work). 

Join us for a conversation that’s not only about adopting a team-centric mindset but promoting it company-wide too, and how that can revolutionize client experiences and drive sustainable growth.

Listen now to hear:

  • Greg’s strategic shift from sales to revenue impact (00:59)
  • How to build a culture of customer impact across departments (02:10)
  • Advice for engaging with Marketing and Finance for customer success (10:45)
  • How to navigate remote team dynamics for customer engagement (15:29)
  • And much more…

Guest Quotes

Greg on alignment with the customer’s business objectives:

“It is revenue that follows client impact. If we were on the acquisition side, we would talk about finding out what the senior leadership team's five-by-five is, or what their strategic objectives are, or defined objectives. Sometimes, that gets lost in the Customer Success world. We get caught up in, ‘Is the product doing what it's supposed to be doing?’ Which is not how we won the deal in the first place. We won the deal in the first place by finding out what their business objective is, the challenge that was in the way, and solving that.”

Greg on leaning into what you don't know:

"Start educating yourself as a CX leader on how the finances and your business are talked about and examined and go be part of it. Lean in. And if you don’t know how, what a great opportunity to walk over to your veep of finance or your controller or your CFO, and say ‘Hey, I don’t want to be defensive but I’m missing a little bit of education. What blog post would you encourage me to read? Do you have 30 minutes to coach me up?’ Invite me into the problem space so I can be part of the solution.”

Greg on fostering empathy in customer interactions:

“What’s that old phrase, ‘Do things with people, not at people’? I think sometimes customer stories or voice of customer, if you’re not careful, can start feeling like weapons. ‘Here’s another story, and I want this feature,’ or ‘I need this from that department.’ They’re stories, but they don’t resonate emotionally. Whereas experiences, those stick. I think voice of customer when done at its finest is really about getting other departments and leaders, find out what they’re good at, and give them the opportunity to help a client with that. So they get involved in the client’s experience, not our customer experience."

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