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User Interviews Masters Proactive Customer Success


User Research

Touch Model



Director of CS


User Research

Touch Model



Director of CS
July 2020
Started with Vitally
Users in Vitally
Users powered by User Interviews


Hope Supernic
Hope Supernic
Director of Customer Success

Key Vitally Integrations

Vitally Analytics API

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User Interviews makes it fast, easy, and affordable for research teams at Adobe, Spotify, Pinterest, Intuit, CNN, Amazon, and beyond, to recruit participants for user research. Hope Supernic, Director of Customer Success at User Interviews, sheds light on their journey from a manual and reactive approach to a proactive Customer Success strategy with the help of Vitally's platform. This case study explores the challenges faced, the transformative shift to a dedicated Customer Success platform, and the remarkable impact on User Interviews' business.

Challenges at User Interviews

  • Reactive Approach: Lack of insight into customer behaviors, resulting in a reactive approach.
  • Manual Processes: Manual reviews of client usage leading to blind spots in customer lifecycle events.
  • Renewal Challenges: Difficulty in tracking renewals and overlapping contracts.
"We really had no insight into our customers when I first started. We knew that we had our whole customer list, but getting details on their subscriptions with us, how much they were using their subscriptions, and how often we were engaging with them, was really challenging and manual before we got into Vitally."

Hope Supernic

Director of Customer Success

Adopting Vitally: The Solution

  • Renewal Awareness: Vitally provided visibility into renewals and helped track churn effectively.
  • Automation and Playbooks: Time and energy saved through automation and playbook features.
  • Proactive Approach: A transformative shift from a reactive to a proactive Customer Success approach.
"For me, Vitally is really our CRM for our subscription clients. It's where we go to understand our client base."

Hope Supernic

Director of Customer Success

Impact & Results

  • Reduced Churn: Proactive tracking and automation helped cut the churn rate in half.
  • Resource Optimization: Vitally's automation features preserved valuable resources—time and energy.
  • Data-Driven Proactivity: Usage insights facilitated proactive outreach and effective action plans.

Why User Interviews Recommends Vitally

  • Great Support: User Interviews highlights the excellent support received from the Vitally team.
  • Ease of Use: The platform's intuitive design and ease of use contribute to its recommendation.
  • Quick Implementation: User Interviews commends Vitally for a swift setup, enabling a smooth transition.
“Before we had everything in Vitally, we were manually doing everything to review our clients and it really made us be reactive, as opposed to proactive, in our CS approach. We didn't have the insight easily, so we couldn't look overall and make action plans based on where our clients stood. With the help of Vitally we’ve been able to move to a proactive approach."

Hope Supernic

Director of Customer Success

User Interviews emphasizes Vitally as a workspace for Customer Success teams, lauding its ease of use, quick setup, and transformative impact on their proactive processes. The partnership has not only addressed challenges but also contributed to achieving User Interviews' goal of a proactive Customer Success approach.

Vitally emerges as a catalyst in User Interviews' Customer Success journey, turning a manual and reactive state into a proactive and data-driven strategy. The case study showcases the power of purpose-built platforms like Vitally in revolutionizing customer success, reducing churn, and providing valuable insights for informed decision-making.

Hope Supernic's recommendation of Vitally extends beyond its features—it resonates with the level of support received, ease of implementation, and the platform's contribution to a proactive work culture. User Interviews' success story stands as a testament to the positive impact of adopting specialized Customer Success tools in the SaaS ecosystem.

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