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Success Planning Doc Template

Effectively track goals and collaborate with customers using Sarah's dynamic, customizable Success Plan Blueprint.

About this Blueprint

Blueprints are a collection of Vitally best practices and use cases brought to you by today's Customer Success thought leaders.

A Success Plan provides Customer Success Managers (CSMs) with a framework for managing their book of business. They help you understand your customer's goals and measure how well your product helps them achieve these goals. Many existing Success Plans, however, fall short as they contain only static information that never changes, and these plans may never be referenced again throughout the customer's lifecycle.

Using Vitally Doc Templates, Customer Success teams can create a dynamic, dedicated workspace for customers to streamline success planning, improve product adoption, and accelerate time-to-value (TTV). 

Sarah Steingraber, the Customer Success Team Lead at Vitally, uses this Success Plan Blueprint to record and collaborate on customer goals, rollout plans, and much more.

Preview of Blueprint
When to use a Success Plan Blueprint

This Blueprint should be used when a customer (i.e., your main POC or product champion) has moved onto the adoption phase and has some familiarity with your product. Our Success Plan Blueprint is ideal for Hybrid and High-Touch Customer Success teams who have a 1:1 relationship with their accounts.

In this Success Plan Blueprint, you’ll find a sample introduction, pieces of information you may want to collect from a customer, a to-do list, and an outline for the customer’s official success plan. Each of these template sections can be easily adapted to fit your team’s needs.

KPIs Impacted
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  • Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Score
  • Time to Value (TTV)
  • Net Retention Rate (NRR)
  • Product Adoption Rate
What data points or information will you need to complete or add?

You will need to edit various elements within this Blueprint to fit your specific product. For example, you’ll want to edit the section ‘Part One: Understanding {Account Name}’ with questions that are important for your team to collect from the customer. Additionally, once you’ve applied this Success Plan template to your accounts, you’ll want to fill out goals that are specific to each individual customer as those can vary greatly.

How can you customize this for other use cases?

The beauty of this Success Plan Blueprint is that it is easily replicable and customizable with each new customer. Having the ability to pull in account-level information of your customers directly in a Vitally Doc ensures each plan is specific to the customer and everyone is aligned on the goals at hand.

Our Success Plan Doc Template uses Vitally Tasks, Account Variables, and Editable Custom Traits. All of these features are present throughout the Vitally platform and can be easily customized based on your use case.

Going beyond Docs

Vitally Docs, Projects, and Notes provide SaaS teams with a comprehensive system to be more efficient and productive. For example, your team might want to create a Note Template to record notes during an Executive Business Review (EBR). Or, you could create a Project Template to ensure a successful Sales to Customer Success Handoff. The possibilities are endless!

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Ready to Share Your Blueprint For Success?

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