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Sourcegraph's Monthly Update Template

See how Aimee, VP of Technical Success at Sourcegraph, uses Conversation templates to provide product usage updates to customers.

About this Blueprint

Blueprints are a collection of Vitally best practices and use cases brought to you by today's Customer Success thought leaders.

Keeping in touch with your customers on a regular basis is a great way to nurture them and keep your product top of mind.

With Conversation Templates, Customer Success teams can streamline customer communication for a variety of different use cases - from business updates to new product releases and more.

Aimee Menne, the Vice President, Technical Success at Sourcegraph, uses this Monthly Update Blueprint to provide a high-level recap of a customer's product usage and gauge their interest in upgrading to the latest software version.

Preview of Blueprint
When to use a Monthly Update Blueprint

Aimee’s Blueprint includes a monthly summary of a customer’s product usage (e.g., ‘Utilization of purchased seats’ and ‘Monthly active users’) and a release blog post on the latest version of Sourcegraph. This template is sent to healthy customers who are not yet on the latest version of the software and includes a clear call to action if they’d like to upgrade.

In addition to being a great conversation starter, this Monthly Update Blueprint automatically pulls in live customer data points, so CSMs save time by not having to update these details every time it is sent.

This messaging is ideal for teams who operate with a Hybrid or High Touch Customer Success model, where you need to scale and automate your outreach efforts, yet provide personalized interactions when necessary.

KPIs Impacted
  • Product Adoption Rate
  • Net Revenue Retention (NRR) Rate
  • Expansion Revenue
What data points or information will you need to complete or add?

The data that you’d like to share with customers will vary, so you’ll need to edit this template accordingly. This Monthly Update Blueprint uses Vitally Account Variables, User Variables, and data points from BigQuery. 

With Conversation Templates, you can pull in a wide range of Variables from your Organizations, Accounts, Users, and Senders to fully customize emails based on your needs.

How can you customize this for other use cases?

Customer Success teams can customize these email templates for any scenario and engagement model. You could create a Conversation Template to drive expansion revenue or welcome new accounts as they move from Sales to Customer Success.

You can even automate a sequence of Conversations to be sent depending on the customer lifecycle stage, your segmentation strategy, or if the account meets certain conditions.

About Sourcegraph

Sourcegraph is a code AI platform: “software that builds software”. They’ve spent the last ten years building the code graph that now powers Cody, the most powerful and accurate code AI for writing, fixing, and maintaining code, and Code Search, helping devs explore their entire codebase and make large-scale migrations and security fixes. Over one million engineers use Sourcegraph, including teams at 4 of the top 10 banks, 4/5 FAANG companies, government organizations, Uber, Plaid, and many other companies building the software that pushes the world forward.

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