About this Blueprint
Blueprints are a collection of Vitally best practices and use cases brought to you by today's Customer Success thought leaders.
With Thena, Customer Success and Support teams can effortlessly manage customer requests in Slack. By connecting Thena to Vitally, you can turn those customer touch points into valuable data points, achieve greater visibility into customer interactions, and take action all within your Customer Success Platform.
“Slack is a great way for managed CSMs to interact with their customers, since you can track and respond to all of their requests in one place. It helps me say, ‘I've worked with these customers, and they've sent in this many requests,’ which really helps with bandwidth tracking.”
Learn how Steph Townes, Senior Customer Success Manager at Vitally, leverages Dashboards to track and report on customer interactions coming from Thena.
How this Blueprint Works
Once you’ve enabled your Thena -> Vitally integration, you’ll see customer requests sync to Vitally as Custom Objects. You can then use Vitally Dashboards to build customizable reports on these customer touch points across your book of business.
In Steph’s ‘Thena Tracking Dashboard’, you’ll find a handful of Dashboard widgets which are used to visualize information in different forms:
- Metrics including ‘Total Thena Requests’, ‘Closed Requests’, ‘Open Requests’, and ‘Negative Sentiment Requests’ to see activity at a glance
- Donut charts to show the breakdown of Thena Requests by Sentiment (neutral, positive, and negative), Request Category (feature request, question, bug, issue, etc.), and more
- A stacked bar chart showing ‘Active Requests by User’ to understand the total number of requests per customer, broken down by employee
By syncing Thena interactions to Vitally, teams can better understand customer needs, spot trends across customers, and track bandwidth more effectively.
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